Sunday, November 14, 2010

E-miles Under My Belt

After several thousand miles the car performs as before. No elec. or mech. problems but still the pesky voltage drop from the Interstate 8V batts. Range hasn't dropped from the 32 mi. but drive just a little aggressively and you'll need to rein that figure in substantially. I found a great deal on the decals from a local t-shirt shop (CK-designs). I have the urge to sell and do another motorcycle. 'Till then...


  1. Hey Dan, i saw the car for sale. Were the batteries just too weak? With gas prices the way they are it should be a quick sell.

  2. I am also interested in the car. What shape are the batteries in? Has it been on the road this summer? Is it road ready or does it need some work.
    Email me at tChapin at umich dot edu

  3. Interested in the car. Is it still available? Thanks email me at cjackson at chestnet dot org. Thanks, CJ.
